
Blackle: The Google of choice for not just environmentalists, but also Black Hat SEOs!
OK well, perhaps not exactly... but it could (should?) be. Normally of course the "Green" one would normally think of when discussing SEO would be money, but in the wake of globalwarmingawaeness2007 and ensuing discussions, another view rears its head again.
Saving a whopping 750 Megawatt hours a year? Oh yes, G. You know you wanna. Feel your inner blackness. 😆
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...Via tycoon Sir Richard Branson comes yet another spam "SEO" contest, this one on the phrase "global warming awareness2007" ... (NNNNnnnnoooooo!!!!). The educational value of these has been eclipsed by their annoyance factor at this point, and for the record the best SEOs to my knowledge, aren't participating. That said, for anyone who's never watched a nerd battle unfold before, here's a chance.
I applaud the basic spirit but it's been a goofy week for the space. Bring it, Friday. 🙄
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